Source code for vlkit.dense.dense

import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage import morphology

[docs]def seg2edge(seg, thin=False): grad = np.gradient(seg.astype(np.float32)) grad = np.sqrt(grad[0]**2 + grad[1]**2) edge = grad != 0 if thin: edge = morphology.thin(edge) return edge
[docs]def sobel(x, kernel_size=3): sobelx = cv2.Sobel(x, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=kernel_size) sobely = cv2.Sobel(x, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=kernel_size) sobel = np.sqrt(sobelx**2 + sobely**2) return sobel, sobely, sobelx
[docs]def flux2angle(flux): """ computing orientation angle for each pixel given a flux input: flux: a [2, H, W] tensor represents the flux vector of each position return: angle: a [H, W] matrix representing angle of each location """ C, H, W = flux.shape assert C == 2 top_half = flux[0,...] >= 0 # y >= 0, \theta <= \pi bottom_half = flux[0,...] < 0 # y < 0, \theta > \pi unit = np.zeros((2, H, W), dtype=np.float32) unit[1,...] = 1 # unit vector: (y=0, x=1) cos = (flux * unit).sum(axis=0) acos = np.arccos(cos) angle = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.float32) angle[top_half] = acos[top_half] angle[bottom_half] = 2*np.pi - acos[bottom_half] return angle
[docs]def angle2flux(angle): """ The inverse of `flux2angle` """ return np.dstack((np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle))).transpose((2,0,1))
[docs]def dense2flux(density, kernel_size=9, normalize=True): """ Compute flux field of a density map input: density: density map with shape [H, W] output: flux: flux field of shape [2, H, W] """ sobelx = cv2.Sobel(density, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=kernel_size) sobely = cv2.Sobel(density, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=kernel_size) flux = np.dstack((sobely, sobelx)).transpose((2,0,1)) if normalize: norm = np.expand_dims(np.sqrt((flux**2).sum(axis=0)), axis=0) norm[norm==0] = 1 flux /= norm return flux
[docs]def quantize_angle(angle, num_bins=8): """ angle: angle map with shape [H, W] num_bins: number of quantization bins """ # clamp angle angle[angle>=np.pi*2] = np.pi*2 - 1e-5 q = np.round(angle / (np.pi*2/num_bins)).astype(np.uint8) q[q==num_bins] = 0 return q
[docs]def dequantize_angle(q, num_bins=8): """ q: quantized angles (0~num_bins-1) num_bins: number of quantized levels """ assert q.min() >= 0 and q.max() < num_bins angle = q * (np.pi*2 / num_bins) return angle