Source code for vlkit.transforms.npr

"""`Non-Photorealistic Rendering <>`_

import cv2
import torch, random
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

type2func = {'pencilsketch': cv2.pencilSketch,
             'stylization': cv2.stylization,
             'detailEnhance': cv2.detailEnhance,
             'edgePreservingFilter': cv2.edgePreservingFilter}

[docs]class NPR(torch.nn.Module): """`Non-Photorealistic Rendering <>`_ Args: transform (str): type of transformation, should be one of `pencilsketch`, `stylization`, `detailEnhance` or `edgePreservingFilter`. sigma_s (int or list of ints): see <>. sigma_r (float or list of float): see <>. """ def __init__(self, transform='stylization', sigma_s=60, sigma_r=0.001): super().__init__() assert transform in type2func, 'transform must be one of {0} but' \ '\'{1}\' was given'.format(list(type2func.keys()), transform) self.transform = transform self.f = type2func[transform] assert isinstance(sigma_s, (int, list)) assert isinstance(sigma_r, (float, list)) if isinstance(sigma_s, list): assert len(sigma_s) == 2 and min(sigma_s) > 0 else: assert sigma_s > 0 if isinstance(sigma_r, list): assert len(sigma_r) == 2 and min(sigma_r) > 0 else: assert sigma_r > 0 self.sigma_s = sigma_s self.sigma_r = sigma_r
[docs] def forward(self, x:Image.Image) -> Image.Image: if isinstance(self.sigma_s, list): sigma_s = random.uniform(*self.sigma_s) else: sigma_s = self.sigma_s if isinstance(self.sigma_r, list): sigma_r = random.uniform(*self.sigma_r) else: sigma_r = self.sigma_r x = np.array(x) x = self.f(x, sigma_s=sigma_s, sigma_r=sigma_r) if self.transform == 'pencilsketch': x = x[1] return Image.fromarray(x)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '(transform={0}, sigma_s={1}, sigma_r={2})'.format( self.transform, self.sigma_s, self.sigma_r)